Friday 26 July 2013

White tea protects teeth

The beneficial effects of tea are often reported by health scientists as a results of their research. Recent indications are that white tea has the most beneficial effect for health. Dentists in Poland also know about the great effect white tea has on you.

White tea is made of leaves and flower buds, which are harvested in early spring. It is not subjected to any treatment other than drying.

It has the richest source of polyphenols and antioxidants of all teas (three times more than green tea), and therefore it can be considered as a beverage with anti-cancer properties. White tea strengthens the impact on the human immune system.

Recent studies also point to the fact that it is an excellent way to prevent the development of plaque and decay. White tea has a small amount of natural fluoride, which protects the teeth.
White tea is attributed to have a cardio-protective effect, by normalizing blood pressure, lipid profile, and improving bone density and function of skin protection.

Drinking white tea can fight bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, both bacterial and viral.
This increases the chance that in the near future tea extract will become a component of mouthwashes and toothpastes.

Friday 19 July 2013

How to clean your tongue

Brushing your teeth correctly is not enough to maintain proper oral hygiene an dental health. You should also clean the spaces between teeth and your tongue.

The tongue is muscular and covered warts, which gather many bacteria. These bacteria together with the food leftovers are often the cause of bad breath. It is therefore important to clean your tongue on a daily basis. This can be done by:

·        A toothbrush - Some toothbrushes have a special area on the head for cleaning the tongue,

·        Tongue brushes - like a standard toothbrush, but without bristles,

·        Tongue scrapers – in the shape of a disposable razor spatula.

After using these devices rinse and dry them, and every now and then disinfect.

It is not enough to remove sediment from the back of the tongue remember to also clean the sides. It is best to clean the tongue in the morning, before eating, as its self-cleaning at night is limited. To clean your tongue just move the brush the tongue in a back and forth direction. To get a dental check-up go see your dentist in Poland!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Dental Health: Tooth extraction

Often while visiting your dentist, he or she will tell you need to have a tooth removed. This is mainly due to severe decay.

Before pulling out your tooth, your dentist will put you on anesthesia in the area of the removed tooth. Tooth extraction may be traditional or surgical in more complicated cases.

In the place of a removed tooth you can place an implant, a denture or a bridge. Check prices of dental implants in Budapest.

The recovery period usually lasts a few days. Painkillers should be enough to manage.

After the procedure relax, avoid smoking, don’t lie down flatly as the bleeding may increase. Don’t rub the area around the removed tooth, decrease physical activity to minimum. Remember to brush gently and to eat soft foods for a while.

Sometimes after tooth extraction in Poland the patient may need stitches. Some of them dissolve over time but some need to be removed after a couple of days. Your dentist in Poland will tell you whether you need stiches and how to remove them.

Sunday 7 July 2013

How to keep your teeth healthy?

The key to healthy teeth is proper maintenance. Dentists in Poland know that calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus are important for healthy teeth and gums in children as well as adults.

Calcium makes the jaw bones healthy and strong in order to hold your teeth in place. Calcium combined with phosphorus maximizes the bone strengthening benefits. Children need to take a lot of calcium in childhood to have strong teeth in the future.

Vitamin D on the other hand regulates the balance of calcium and phosphorus in your organism. It can also help to decrease inflammation of gums occurring during gum disease.

Here are the foods that contain calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus:

Calcium if found in: dairy products, brown rice, oranges, cabbage, beans, broccoli, salmon, peas.

Vitamin D in: sunlight, dairy products, eggs, some cereals, oily fish 

Phosphorus is found in: cereals, wheat germ, soya beans, almonds and other nuts, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, grapes, citrus fruit, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Remember, dental treatment abroad is advanced and professional, so make an appointment straight away!