Monday 27 October 2014

Passion fruit - a treasury of health

Passion fruit is the fruit of plants of the botanical name passiflora, passion flower. The aroma and taste delights and inspires admiration with its content of vitamins - especially vitamin C and vitamin A. 

The first is an invaluable means to increase the body's resistance and seal blood vessels. It’s especially recommended by dentists in Poland when you have problems with bleeding gums and periodontal disease. 

Vitamin C is essential for normal production of collagen, it’s also responsible for the correct state of the teeth and soft tissues in the mouth and accelerates wound healing. 

The vitamin A is responsible for the proper condition of the skin and mucous membranes. It is also a powerful antioxidant that protects against cancer.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Anti-caries dragon tea

Red tea, called by the Chinese dragon tea, has a brown, slightly reddish color and a subtle smell of the earth. Dentists in Poland tell us it contains fluorine and calcium – thanks to it the teeth of people drinking it are rarely attacked by caries. 

In addition to reinforcing components of enamel, red tea contains a lot of polyphenols, which positively affects the body's anti-tumor protection. 

Dragon tea is produced mainly in the south-eastern China and Taiwan.

Sunday 12 October 2014

How to freshen your breath through diet?

Bad breath can be eliminated not only by mouth rinses, but by eating the right food as well. A well-chosen diet reduces and removes plaque bacteria accumulate in the mouth. Dentists in Poland say that the diet for fresh breath should include: 

·         Yogurt - necessarily those without sugar; they eliminate the odor of hydrogen sulfide and reduce the amount of plaque; also prevent gingivitis and provide calcium needed to strengthen the enamel; 

·         pineapples - to cleanse the inside of the mouth with the content of bromelain, an enzyme protein shear having a strong anti-inflammatory properties; 

·         cranberries - reduces the growth of bacteria and provide a lot of vitamin C; 

·         all sorts of vegetables, preferably fresh and crunchy – biting them stimulates saliva, which promotes self-cleaning the inside of the mouth and neutralizing harmful acids.