Monday 28 April 2014

How to achieve a beautiful smile for your wedding?

Spring is in the air and many couples decide to marry. If you are one them or you are planning on attending a wedding, it’s high time to care of your teeth to make sure your smile is as beautiful as possible. No worries – our dentist will help you with that!

A smile acts as your business card. People will notice and appreciate a nice smile. Before the important day it’s worth visiting your dentist to fix all the problems that need fixing. There are many treatments available today that will help you achieve the prefect smile you have been dreaming of.
Among the most popular treatments are: teeth whitening, which will refresh your smile, veneers, crowns or dental implants for missing teeth. Veneers in Poland will help with removing gaps between teeth and will give your teeth a new shape and desired color to match the brides wedding dress. 

Remember that before you start treatment you should have had your teeth cleaned within the last 6 months.

Don’t wait and make an appointment with your dentist in Poland!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Acne and bad teeth

This may at first seem strange , but pimples may have much in common with his teeth…

Few people realize that the condition of the teeth affects the health of the whole organism. Unhealthy teeth can lead to a variety of diseases , including heart, lung diseases . If there is something disturbing in our body , it also can be seen on our face. Once the inflammation in the oral cavity spreads throughout the body the bacteria cause illness.

You know the cause of acne is your teeth when pimples appear on the chin , jaw bones and around the mouth. No pain may also be misleading – a dead tooth sometimes gives no pain signals and is the habitat of bacteria that are carried by the bloodstream to other organs and cause inflammation.

If your teeth need treatment, do not wait, because it’s easiest to treat infections in the early stage of development. It’s best if you visit for dentist in Poland every 6 months for a check-up.

Monday 14 April 2014

Chewing gum – is it harmful for my teeth?

Have you ever wondered what side effects chewing gum can cause?

Chewing gum can have a positive impact on our oral health. It’s certainly good to take it after meals if you can’t brush your teeth. Chewing gum stimulates saliva secretion, which in turn neutralizes acids formed in the oral cavity and washes away food. So this action is beneficial, we should not chew gum for longer than 15 minutes. 15 minutes is enough to restore neutral pH of the mouth.

While too long and frequent chewing gum may strain the jaw bone, which may lead to bruxism. This condition , ie pathological teeth grinding at night, can lead to dislocation of the joint . And those who chew gum on one side of the jaw are threaten by even facial asymmetry. Dentists in Poland warn you to not chew gum to often or intensively to maintain a healthy smile!