Saturday 23 November 2013

Human Teeth

Human Teeth can be divided due to:

the structure and function of the tooth:

·        incisors – they have the shape of a chisel; they are the sharpest and the smallest of all the teeth (though the bottom ones are smaller than the upper ones). They are used to bite food.

·        canines – they are conical shaped with a sharp tip , they are designed to tear food.

·        premolars – they are flattened with two cones separated by a furrow.

·        molars – they are the biggest and strongest and are shaped like a cube with at least three cones separated by furrows (premolars and molars are used for grinding and chewing food).

the generation of teeth:

·        Milk teeth - as a result of the first teething , there are 20: 8 incisors, 4 canines ,8 premolars 

·        Permanent teeth  –they grow during the second teething. There are 32: 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 12 molars.

Diphydontia a simultaneous occurrence of milk and permanent teeth in the child's mouth. Remember about regular check-ups (every six months) with your dentist in Poland!

Saturday 16 November 2013

5 steps to beautiful teeth

You don’t need much effort to be make your teeth be a reason to proud of! It’s enough to spend about 10 - 15 minutes to properly take care of your mouth , and once every few months visit your  dentist for a check-up.

Here are the steps to a healthy, beautiful smile :

1.      Carefully remove the food remains from between the teeth with a toothpick. It should be done carefully to not damage the gums. Do not attempt to force the toothpicks into the gaps between the teeth, but gently move to remove particles away from the gum.

2.      Use a gentle mouth rinse that softens and helps remove sediment.

3.      Remember to always brush and floss! While washing do not scrub teeth too hard , because you can cause damage to the enamel or gums, which can cause inflammation of periodontal tissues . Flossing removes remains from hard to reach places.

4.      Rinse after brushing – this is a very important part of hygiene. Mouth rinse removes dirt from between teeth and freshens the inside of the mouth.

5.      Be in control of your dental check-ups with your dentist in Poland. You should visit at least once every six months and if you any notice disturbing changes in the enamel - as soon as possible!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Teeth Whitening in Poland

Teethwhitening in Poland is in fashion, but not every method is safe. Here, therefore, is a guide for those who want to safely change the color of your teeth!

·        Do not bleach at the last moment - the optimal time for brightening your teeth is a few weeks before the event you wanted your teeth whitened for. Immediately after the bleaching you should stick to a diet a few days, which means that any colored food or drinks are prohibited. Those who disregard the recommendation of the use of clear, risk losing a beautiful enamel color. Another problem that may annoy some people after whitening treatment is temporary tooth sensitivity. Although after a few days discomfort hypersensitivity disappears without a trace, avoid hurting your teeth with hot or cold dishes/drinks.

·        Do not use your grandma's methods - that is, do not scrub the enamel with salt , ashes or charcoal! Such methods to improve the clarity of the color of the teeth were used dozens of years ago, but now we know that the only notable effect that they bring are scratches on the surface of the enamel , and in some cases irritation of the gums. The current teeth whitening products do not destroy the surface of the tooth. Irritant effect may occur in more sensitive people, but this is a passing ailment.
·        Before you decide to have your teeth whitened, consult your dentist in Poland! It is one of the most important safety precautions. The dentist during the consultation will assess the health of the tissue of the mouth and tell you whether whitening is possible, or whether you first need to make treat your teeth, and only later will be able to take care of their aesthetics. Your dentist can advise you which method to use in a particular case.

·        Use only preparations from reliable manufacturers and trusted sellers. Avoid products from unknown companies or suspiciously cheap great deals on the web. You have no guarantee that your product will whiten teeth without destroying the structures.

·        Decide on a professional whitening done in a dentist's office - it's professional, short, with a large margin of safety and guarantees that certified products are used , and that you will reach the desired effect.

·        Do not bleach too often – with the proper diet and care you can ensure the perfect white color for even in two years . If you repeat bleaching too often you can make your teeth more yellow or gray.