Saturday 16 November 2013

5 steps to beautiful teeth

You don’t need much effort to be make your teeth be a reason to proud of! It’s enough to spend about 10 - 15 minutes to properly take care of your mouth , and once every few months visit your  dentist for a check-up.

Here are the steps to a healthy, beautiful smile :

1.      Carefully remove the food remains from between the teeth with a toothpick. It should be done carefully to not damage the gums. Do not attempt to force the toothpicks into the gaps between the teeth, but gently move to remove particles away from the gum.

2.      Use a gentle mouth rinse that softens and helps remove sediment.

3.      Remember to always brush and floss! While washing do not scrub teeth too hard , because you can cause damage to the enamel or gums, which can cause inflammation of periodontal tissues . Flossing removes remains from hard to reach places.

4.      Rinse after brushing – this is a very important part of hygiene. Mouth rinse removes dirt from between teeth and freshens the inside of the mouth.

5.      Be in control of your dental check-ups with your dentist in Poland. You should visit at least once every six months and if you any notice disturbing changes in the enamel - as soon as possible!

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