Monday 23 May 2011

Better teeth, better sex

dentist abroad
Lack of proper oral hygiene and cavities are ruining sex life. Research shows that as much as 37.5 percent of people avoid sex with a partner due to bad breath. As many as 72.5 percent do not allow to be kissed by people with so-called 'dragon's breath'. For hygiene, however, that's not the end of problems. Headache, during sex may have its cause not in migraine but in bad teeth condition.

Minty breath is sexy!

Poor oral hygiene and teeth losses influence our heart, facial skin firmness, proper bowel function, and ... sex. Halitosis cools romantic aspirations in more than 70 percent of people. More than 30 percent declared that in the past they abandoned a lover because of bad breath. 9 out of 10 respondents confessed about it directly to the partner. But not only the smell from the mouth distracts us from the bed. Also, the appearance of teeth. According to the U.S. website perfect smile is one of the 100 most important things that women consider atractive in a guy. A smile is still on a high  13 position, just behind the height, beautiful eyes, self-confidence and wealth. Ahead of such items as the perfect silhouette (24th place) and a natural way of being (100 place).

- Healthy teeth and proper oral hygiene makes us more attractive. Symmetrical teeth and perfectly "framed" mouth makes our attention focused on a smile during a conversation or a date. It encourages people to contact us. People with perfect teeth are considered more involving, open and friendly, and even richer. It is also important to take care of your breath on a date. Unpleasant odors can be associated with diseases, and they always discourage partners, "said Dr. Mariusz Duda, MD, from the Department of Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry Clinic Duda.

And he adds: - Attractive smile undermines both the individual losses as well as stains from coffee and cigarettes, visible fillings, broken teeth or teeth which with age are becoming shorter and disappear under our lip line. Then, the face loses its elasticity, look older - he says.

Headache in bed? Go to the dentist

But the quality of our smile affects not only how we are perceived by partners. Problems with teeth can also cause severe headaches, which cool ardor in the bedroom. - Causes of headaches, which many women and men feel before or during sex, may have its source in a sick tooth. So if, despite taking the tablets for a headache or migraine, the pain persists, you may want to go to the dentist, he may prove to be a cure on the bed problems - says polish dentist.

So how do you increase your sexual attractiveness with the help of a dentist? - Firstly, brush your teeth, use floss and mouth liquids. If we have discolored teeth, we can whiten them. Today's methods available in the offices give the effect as early as after 45 minutes. Such a solution can be arranged even before a date. Losses should be complemented by individual dental implants or fillings, which are the same the color as the other teeth. Gaps between teeth can also be closed by the composite. - says Duda.

But for those who want to opt for a radical change in the smile there is good news. Braces are sexy! Sexologists of the Silesian University have proven that people wearing braces are not only more appealing - the braces is a good lure, and the people wearing them are also more creative in bed.

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