Monday 11 July 2011

Oral diseases caused by piercing

dental treatment abroad

Body piercing in the mouth or the surrounding areas is becoming increasingly popular. People opting for such a step usually choose lips and tongue. Less often, they decide to cheeks. Unfortunately, such people are not aware of the problems that piercing may cause.

The most common dental problems due to piercing are crushing and cracking teeth. According to study made by Dental Journal, as many as 47 percent of people wearing jewellery in their tongue, within four years, experienced at least one fracture or breaking of a tooth. This can occur during talking, eating, chewing, and even sleeping. If the fracture is superficial, it is just enough to fill the loss. For deeper lesions, root canal treatment is necessary. You may also end up having the tooth removed. 

Since on the surface of the tongue there are bacteria, oral infections lead to infections in other parts of the body. After piercing of the tongue or cheek, these bacteria can enter the bloodstream and heart, causing endocarditis. Piercing is also a potential factor that causes cold sores, and hepatitis B and C. 

After piercing the tongue, edema occurs very commonly, which is caused by nerve damage. The puncture site may be numbness and even loss of sensation can occur. If blood vessels are pierced , hemorrhage may appear. Tongue edema may be so severe that it can hinder breathing. 

Jewelllery contacting the gums, not only damages and wounds the tissues but can also cause their recession, which leads to the formation of cavities and tooth loss. Additionally, after tongue piercing, you may have difficulty in swallowing food and notice changes in taste perception. This is because the jewellery stimulates excessive secretion of saliva. There are also cases of swelling of the earrings. This can cause suffocation and / or damage to the gastrointestinal tract or lungs.

If, despite these threats, we decided on body piercing, you should pay special attention to the selection of piercing studios. You should contact someone who has already benefited from such services, to be able to recommend them. Such a studio must be sterile and clean. Ask employees whether they use disposable gloves. Check whether they use appropriate tools and if all the needles and earrings are stored in sterile packaging.  

After taking the earrings, make sure of appropriate dental hygiene. Wound healing after piercing lasts from four to six weeks in the case of the tongue and one to two months in the case of lips. During this period, avoid alcohol and spicy, hard and sticky foods. You should also stop smoking. Teeth should be brushed after every meal and use rinse fluid for rinsing the mouth. After consultation with a dentist you an take vitamins, to accelerate healing. 

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