Tuesday 3 January 2012

All you need to know about Dental Veneers

Dental Veneer- very thin, permanent prosthetic restoration, put on one tooth.

The difference between dental veneers in Poland and dental crowns abroad is that the teeth for veneers are preapred by grinding a thin front layer of the enamel, and not, as in the case of crowns, by grinding the tooth on the whole of its surface. 
In case of young patients, veneers should be preferably used instead of crowns.

dental veneers abroad

Why do we use veneers?
- to improve the appearance of the tooth,
- to restore its functions.

When should I have veneers installed?
Veneers should be used when your teeth:
- are discolored,
- have their incisal edge damaged,
- have abnormal shape,
- are filled with poorly-looking material,
- were root canal treated.

Contraindications against dental veneers:
- some cases of wrong bite,
- patient's habit of biting nails or various writing tools,
- thin or damaged enamel,
- badly damaged or dead tooth,
- too short tooth,
- poor oral hygiene.

How are the veneers installed?

Veneers are placed on the outer surfaces of the teeth, which were gently grinded prior to the veneers installation. Two method can be applied:

- direct method - right in the dental office, the dentist covers the tooth with the same material which is used for fillings, matching its color to the natural color of the teeth of the patient;

- indirect method - on the first visit the dentist takes impressions of teeth prepared beforehand, on the basis of the impressions, perfectly matched veneers in the selected color are created. On the second visit, the veneers are attached to the teeth using a special glue.

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