Tuesday 18 September 2012

The influence of smoking and sleep on oral health

Recent studies have shown that smoking is the most important lifestyle-related factor in the progress of periodontal disease. Smoking is then followed by another important factor: lack of sleep ... Studies show that the state of the health of the oral cavity, in addition to brushing your teeth and using dental floss, is significantly influenced by other factors. Changes, such as a little more sleep, give the patient a better chance of improving the health of the oral cavity. It is also important to remember about the relationship between oral disease with systemic diseases.

It is believed that periodontal disease, which affects the teeth and gums, and can ultimately lead to the loss of
teeth can be caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the oral cavity. However, recent studies prove that also other factors play a major role. Researchers analyzed the impact of various factors related to the mode of life of various workers on the progress of periodontal disease, such as regular exercises, alcohol use, smoking, hours of sleep, hours of work, diet, stress, and eating breakfast. Of all the factors associated with the style of life of patients, scientists pointed to smoking as having the biggest influence on the development of periodontal diseases. The results, published in the Journal of Periodontology has also shown that 41% of those who experienced deterioration of periodontitis are smokers. Second largest factor associated with lifestyle and causing periodontal disease is the lack of sleep. The difference is visible already in case of people sleeping 7-8 hours per day compared with those who sleep only 6 hours or less. A definite impact on the development of periodontal disease is also living in stress and alcohol abuse.

If you have problems with periodontal diseases, visit your dentist abroad.

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